I'm actually going to go to bed now, but I just wanted to post since it's been over a week now.
I started my new job last week, and it's wiping me out! I think it's because my body just isn't used to standing for 6 hours straight in one spot. This is due to me processing web orders and responding to emails, but my desk is very high, so a chair wouldn't really work.
Anyway, my back hurts, my legs hurt, my bum hurts. Yesterday I discovered that I'm having some sciatic nerve thing. Shooting pain all up and down my left side.
Today I was "on the floor" basically doing sales. Welcoming, helping, ringing people up, etc. I had to smile for 6 hours straight in other words, whilst standing the whole time. Which thing is more tiring, smiling or standing, I don't know.
This email sounds like just one big huge whine. Well, it feels good to whine sometimes. If Aloka gets to do it *all* the time, I get to do it sometimes too, like at 12:30am all alone sitting at my computer, where she will never hear me.
And don't get me wrong, I really do love this job. As far as entry level jobs that pay really bad go, this one is great! The people are awesome (I only have 3 other coworkers), I can do a little work from home (like a few hours a week or so) managing the website, and I get to sell toys and children's products! It's great training for my own website, which I'm very excited about now, and it feels even more attainable now than ever.
Tomorrow we're having Thanksgiving dinner (even though Thanksgiving is officially on Monday) with Richard and children and ex-wife and ex-wife fiance. Sounds interesting?
I'd like to have American Thanksgiving with Josh and Aloka, and maybe some American friends, especially since it's near Josh's bday.
So, this is what I'm contributing tomorrow to the feast:
Apple Pie, Pumpkin Pie, two kinds of Phylo tartlett shells filled each with Dark Chocolate Mousse or Milk Chocolate Hazelnut Mousse (Gianduja), topped with fresh whipped cream and chocolate shavings, Baked Yams with Rosemary and Olive Oil, and lastly my favourite yummy pleasure lately, Hot Artichoke Dip served with sliced vegetables and french bread. This is so dang good, words cannot describe. I'm going to post the recipe which comes from my very extremely good friend Kara:
Hot Artichoke Dip
1 14oz can Artichokes (in water), drained
1/2 cup freshly grated parmesan cheese
1 cup mayonnaise
1 Tbl green onion, finely minced
1 Tbl fresh parsley
2 cloves garlic, minced
1/4 tsp fresh lemon juice
sea salt to taste
1 or 2 vine ripened tomatoes, sliced thin
Combine all ingredients and place in a shallow oven-proof dish. Top with the sliced tomatoes.
Bake at 350F (180C) for 10-15 minutesor until heated through. Serve hot. Try not to drool on it.
Before I retire to my super comfy and warm bed (it's beckoning me), I must post some photos of Aloka and her block creations from a couple weeks ago. They were so cool, I had to capture it on film:

Ok, Josh actually did this one.