i'm still here! Life has been the most insane it's ever been for me this month, year. i'm not sure how i'm keeping it together. I've had a horrific cold preventing me from sleeping most nights for the past two weeks, and i'm supposed to be moved out of this house by May 1st. I'm not sure if i've even mentioned that. In fact there's a whole lot i haven't mentioned come to think of it. Here's the story: My landlady decided she wants to move back in to her house after assuring me this would be a long term rental. I can't find a place in town anywhere to rent, so it seems Aloka and I are moving up to Richards house, which is a 500 sq ft trailer 20 minutes out of town. I'm working 5 days a week, trying to pack, and oh yeah, i'm also 5 months pregnant by the way. I'm feeling so sick, so homeless, so ungrounded, and I just want this to pass and settle. I'm so broke, trying to start my business, but there just seems to be so many obstacles. For instance today i found out that i'm not going to be able to get high-speed internet out at his house. Dial up it is i guess. just one more thing. I can't seem to stop crying today, they sent me home from work because i'm so sick, and i have a doctors appt. at 1:45pm, hopefully they'll give me something so i can sleep. the stuffiness has been keeping me up at nights.
So that's my life in a nutshell right now. I'm going to keep doing posts, but i've decided that instead of people always having to check and see if i've updated, i'll send out an email to you all whenever i have a new blog entry. that way you'll always know right when it goes up and know when not to bother checking.
we're hanging in there, Josh has been very emotionally supportive, though he's certainly having his trails and tribulations with earning enough too. He's got a girlfriend which is nice, and she's wonderful with Aloka, which is important to me. Right now we're trying to figure out how to pay Aloka's $1400 dental bill from last fall (which is now down to $1000, thanks cousin Julia!!) and she's complaining about more tooth pain. When will life get easier, i wonder?
hopefully my next update will be more uplifting.