First of all, I need to apologize for my lack of posting especially lately. I recentely got accepted into the Community Futures Start Smart program which is where they pay me to write my business plan. It's a 10 week program and my plan is due after 8 weeks.
It's incredibly intensive and time consuming. On top of all the research and writing I'm doing, I'm also required to take 10 workshops through the duration of the program, and many of these workshops are all day long.
So, I'm BUSY!! I'm required to work a minimum of 35 hours a week on my business plan, and I'm finding myself in the 40 and 50 hour range, all while taking care of two kids!
And while I'm talking about my business plan, I guess I should mention here that I need to collect at least 50 questionnaires by potential customers, and so far i've only collected 24. If you feel so inspired, it would help me out HUGELY. Click here to go to the survey.
So on with the ski videos! This is just across the street from our house!
This is a really fun ice slide they built at the intersection of Ward and Baker Street, during the Olympic festivities in Nelson: