But i'm not completely sure yet. It's been 7 weeks now, and my business plan is due tomorrow. eek.
My poor family hasn't seen much of me (quality time that is) as my head has been in my computer morning, noon and night. I've been working until about 1am every night, and I'm really feeling to toll. I also feel like my social life has been put on hold. Actually, everything has been put on hold except for the basic necessities, like feeding my children, putting them to bed, getting Aloka to school in the morning, etc.
But holy cow, you should see my house. I think I need to hire a maid just to get it to a place where I can clean it again, it's so messy.
Richard has been great with certain household things, like keeping the kitchen clean, cooking many of the meals, all while holding down a full-time job AND building the addition to our house. So between the two of us, we're managing. But what i'm really missing is the relaxation, the down time, playing with my kids, watching a movie, having dinner at the table (that's actually not happening because the reno's are infringing on our dining room right now).
I'm just looking forward to this all being done, house and business plan.
So. It's due tomorrow. It's going to be about 100 pages including my appendices. After I turn it in tomorrow, they will get back to me after they review it, with revisions. Then I'll have about 3 weeks to complete and submit revisions, and then it's the final review.
Wish me luck!
And in the meantime, here's a couple photos of my growing children!