Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The most exciting hour of my life

Well, I can think of others actually.... but this was definitely up there.

I decided to get some lotto scratch tickets, because i'm so broke right now. It's not something I do very often; the last time was around Xmas because I put them in everyone's stocking.

But I just had a really good feeling about it. So I got to my car and scratched of my tickets. I won 7$ which pretty much paid for the tickets, and then I got to one called "King of Cards" which had 6 different little "card" games on it. As I was scratching, I realized I had won one of them. I hadn't scratched off the Prize for it yet. So I started scratching off the prize, first I saw a 5, then a 50, then 500 and then 5000!! Holy crap... I was reeling!!! I was in total disbelief that I might have actually won $5000, after sitting in my car processing this for a half hour, I called Josh from my cell. I told him, and he was so excited for me!! I kept looking at the ticket to make sure I wasn't misreading it. Then I went in to tell Richard who had been working at the store. He too, was thrilled for me!
By now an hour had passed, my face had a perma-grin on it and was thinking of everyone I was going to call. I got back to my car, sat down and looked at my ticket again, when I realized I had missed something. My heart sank, and again I found myself looking at it over and over but this time in disbelief that it wasn't actually a winning ticket after all. It was a clever and very hard to catch trick of the eye, but I had totally missed it. I wasn't a winner. Goodbye $5000 that was Oh SO Needed!!
But it was a fun hour...


Melissa said...

aaawww. that's truly heart-breaking!!

Rhea said...

Oh, man, that stinks! I can't imagine how excited you must have been for a while though. Too bad.

Your daughter is adorable!