Tuesday, June 24, 2008

working for pennies

I don't know why i'm putting this in blog format. i have 3 weeks to go before i can go on maternity leave, and today is Aloka's big end of school year picnic for all the families. I got a phone call at work from Josh saying he forgot Aloka needs fairy wings because the children are all doing a play for the parents.
i raced up to her school with a pair of fairy wings i bought from the store where i unfortunately have to be working today.
there were happy parents and children everywhere, i saw Aloka getting ready with all her friends for the play, tons of parents basking in the sun out in the yard where the play is, everyone bringing lots of food. and i have to go back to work so i can earn my $12 that i get per hour instead of being with Aloka. Then Josh shows up with his new girlfriend, yay. So they get to be there for Aloka, but not me. I feel great today.