Saturday, February 20, 2010

PACKRAT again.

This is the second brush with a packrat since our time in Nelson began. I posted about a packrat a few years ago, that had gotten in my car and caused a scene in front of a shop on Baker St, but this packrat is a slightly different scenario.

This packrat found a nice little home somewhere in the rafters of the roof of our house, and was inaccessible to anyone.
It started when Richard actually saw it, and then the next day we were hearing scurrying in our ceiling. It was SO loud, and kept us up at night and woke us up in the morning. We had no idea how we were going to catch it. A live trap at the store was $70 which we couldn't afford, and we asked neighbors and friends if anyone had a live trap.
By now a month had gone by, and we had gotten pretty used to the sound of the packrat living in our house, though it was distressing imagining all the things it was collecting, not to mention using our roof as a toilet.

It finally looked like we might have a lead on a trap, when the packrat made an appearance or two. It seemed to enjoy our storage room, not sure why. All the boxes full of my toy store inventory perhaps?

One night, Richard realized it was there, and managed this amazing feat!


Unknown said...

There's only room for 1 packrat in that house! ;-) time for the rodent to go.