Thursday, October 12, 2006

Aloka in (her/my) new boots

Well, a picture is worth a thousand words, as they say! I had just bought these crazy boots for my Halloween costume (renaissance pirate wench), and Aloka of course had to give them the test run. The funny thing is that I think she can walk in them better than me!
And the other morning, she woke up before us and she went wandering out of the bedroom. It became very quiet, like, "uh oh, what is she into" quiet. All you parents out there know exactly what I'm describing, I'm sure. I called her from my groggy sleep, and she comes in with my fake eyelashes (again for my costume) stuck to her forehead with elmers glue! It was hiliarious! I don't know how she knew to glue them, but somehow she figured out that's how it's supposed to work. Funny that she decided to glue them to her forehead, just above her eyebrows, not straight of course. I guess I should be very happy she didn't try for the eyes!


Anonymous said...

Dressed up like a slut though