Thursday, November 02, 2006

Pumpkin Carving Party!

We all went over to Melissa, Nick and Nile's house to carve pumpkins. Aloka once again got a hold of the camera and clicked away, not to mention a few videos. The best one is unfortunately too long; I think she filmed for almost 5 minutes.
Josh carved a great pumpkin version of Melissa's pug named Poppy. I carved a flaming skull, but my favorite was Melissa's pumpkin that said "Poo" because the B looked more like a P! We got a good laugh from it. She has pics on her blog too of the fun evening!

Afterwards, Melissa and I tested out our Halloween costumes. We decided to go as gypsies. My renaissance pirate wench costume fell through because the lady that sewed it couldn't get it shipped in time, alas. The gypsy costume turned out to be so fun though, we just dug through our "tickle trunk" (a Canadian term Melissa just taught me for dress up clothes) and found gobs of stuff, especially with my new belly dancing obsession. Boy did we jingle!!

Aloka went as a skunk, and her costume was plush and luxuriously warm. I'll include a separate post of our Halloween experience, so many photos and vids!

I got a cool shot also of all our pumpkins above the fire place. I don't know what the fire is doing, but somehow I got it on film!
And lastly, here's a video Aloka took while we were on the floor carving away.
Aloka was filming Betsy and her friend Puck, but Aloka didn't know Puck, so she said on film, "and here's Betsy and the other guy". You can hear us laughing.