I was surprised when she chose to be a pirate. And a very cute pirate she was:
The cake was supposed to be a caterpillar or something, and Aloka didn't eat much of it which was just fine by me. She completely chowed down instead on baby carrots and Antoinette's Dip (a delicious and popular locally made vegan dip).
At the end of the party, Jakob passed out little treasure bags for all the children, with lots of fun little things. Aloka's had stickers, a couple little foam monsters, and:
The worst toy in the world.
I know, how about let's make tons of little foam colored balls, and then cover them in massive amounts of sticky glue so they get stuck everywhere and will never ever disappear? Parents shall hate this company forever. Or at least as long as it takes for these balls to go away, eventually biodegrading in some landfill, which is, oh wait... NEVER!
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