This is also her 'lemonade' letter she wrote. She asked me to write lemonade, and she copied it. I think she was practicing for her lemonade stand that she wants to do. It's on a City of Nelson envelope because I was at the Govt. Building getting my toy store registered as a sole proprietorship that day. She was entertaining herself quite well as you can tell.

The only thing you can't do is register your car there. That's a different place, and when you register your car, you get your insurance at the same time, all in one shot. It's a little weird though, that your registration and your title are the same document, and you're required by law to present it if you get pulled over. So essentially, you have to carry your vehicle title in your car, which makes me a little uncomfortable. Why I am thinking about this at midnight whilst typing my blog, I have no idea.
Next I'm putting up some pictures of a fun hike Aloka and I did with some friends. It was a hike in one of the old growth forests here in the mountains. It was so beautiful, and Aloka did amazing.
We hiked for 2 hours, and not only did she not ask to be carried once, but she was running ahead and 'leading' us the whole time! The young lady pictured with Aloka is Jenny. Aloka took an immediate liking to her and they held hands for a good portion of the hike.
And here are some photos of the fun 'expedition'!