Well, as promised here are some pictures and videos of Aloka's birthday party. This party took place one week after her actual birthday, because we were having a cold and rainy spell, and all the birthday plans for the party were outdoors, pool, sandbox, scavenger hunt.
It turned out great! I had put a lot of planning into it, and made little rhymes for the treasure hunt. it was a blast and all the kids loved it.
The party started off with a crown making craft, which was a great way to start a birthday party. It got all the children busy and having fun in a cooperative way, and then by the time the treasure hunt came, everyone was decked out in their cute creations.
I was happy with how my cake turned out, and Melissa donated a fondant "princess crown" as requested by the birthday girl. I decided against icing, and opted for the way less sweet whipped cream option, which the kids loved!
I'm just going to put all these vids in one big long blob for you all to view, and likewise with the photos:

Mama and Aloka eating birthday cake, Aloka is feeling shy in this photo

In order: Claire, Aloka, Ani, Avi, and Sophie

Cutie pie Claire

Aloka and Claire; I have no idea how they can fit in this teeny car! When you look at the empty car you'd think "no way can even one 4 year old fit in that thing"

Aloka and Sophie, very excited about cake!

Birthday cake! I was happy with how this turned out, so yummy! Thanks to Melissa for the pink princess crown and thanks to Dena for the whipped creme idea!

Aloka multi-tasking playing with a balloon and about to blow out candles

Nile in the new sandbox! Aloka LOVES her new sandbox!

Watching me cut the cake

Aloka having lots of fun!

Two hilarious facial expressions caught on film!

Aloka and below, Aloka and Sophie, very excited for cake!

More eating and a cute Nile
Treasure hunt
Playing silly games
Some water balloon play!
Here's Aloka opening up her cool ukulele from Kara and Sophie. Kara is the one sitting next to Josh. Aloka LOVES her ukulele!
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