Presenting Aloka the photographer:

And here are a few from Kokanee Creek Provincial Park at a friends birthday. The last picture is a mama duck with her babies!

And this is from when we went for a trolley at Lakeside Park in July:

and a quick update, i'm still pregnant. 40 weeks tomorrow, but i told the baby to hang on in there so i could take Aloka to her first day of school starting on my due date!
Also, i don't think i blogged about this so there's some folk who don't know i cut my hand pretty bad 3 weeks ago. i fell while holding a glass, and crushed the glass with my right hand, had to go to ER for stitches and it's been a difficult recovery because we use our hands for lots of things as i've discovered. It was a gross nasty cut, and i was going to put a picture up of the injury but i decided to spare people! anyway, it's healing, and i got the stiches out a week ago. i'm loosing a chunk of my skin (the cut was on the fleshy part of my palm below my thumb) but once it scabs and comes off i can finally get my hand wet again! i can't wait. More later!
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