Can you read what the bunny wrote back?

She then found eggs hidden everywhere, hard-boiled and chocolate ones. Then she noticed a little mini-basket on the dining table with some dark chocolate eggs and a clue!

I read the clues to her and she just loved going on the scavenger hunt for her basket.
She finally found it out in the addition (the new part of the house that's still being built)

She loved her basket! The bunny had brought her treats and a chocolate bunny, stickers, Hello Kitty tattoos, and a little squirrel stuffy. She is such a treat saver, she still has the chocolate bunny, and most of her jelly beans!
I got in trouble because I had eaten one of her chocolate eggs and a handful of her jelly beans one day when she wasn't home. She noticed exactly what was missing of course, and was sad.
I felt horrible, so the next day, the Easter Bunny apparently had come (presumably overnight) and replenished her stash! She was tickled!
After a long fun Easter day, she said "Mama, you didn't get me any Easter present!" HA! Someday she'll find out my secret...
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