We had the best Christmas ever this year. It was small, and perfect. Josh came over on Xmas eve and brought a feast that he had cooked at home; Honey-d ham with cloves, baked sweet potatoes, pickled beets, roasted onions, and green beans and a creamy mushroom sauce. It was soooo yummy!
We had a lovely evening, and after Aloka was in bed, Santa came! Josh spent the night in Aloka's room which was extra special for her.
The next morning Aloka was up at around 7am (not too bad!) and there were stockings for everyone, and the tree was beautiful and abundant.
The first thing we did was open the stockings. Even Juniper had a little one and she just loved it.

Aloka got all kinds of fun stuff in hers; hair things, nail polish, little games, cool magazines, and lots of chocolate and treats. Oh, and of course, socks. :)
She did great! She didn't get overwhelmed or frenzied with the gift opening. She paid attention to everything she got, and even played during intervals in present opening. Her big present was a new pair of Cross-country skis and boots, and Richard got a new/used pair as well (his broke in half last year!).

We've gone tons more since then. We are so lucky to be living in a beautiful ski town with amazing trails right outside our door. Our neighbor is an avid xcountry and downhill skier, and lives next to a huge parcel of Crown Land. He made a huge loop that meanders through trees and meadow, and has a few little hills even. It's SO fun and we've been out there a ton!
Richard and I made the Christmas day feast, a delectable brined organic Turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, his famous red cabbage with apples and cloves (this is soooo yum), and cranberry sauce, with a decadent chocolate torte for desert. Oh, and of course christmas cookies!
Josh stayed one more night and then I gave him a ride back home the next morning. It was fabulous!
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