Monday, June 11, 2007

Some videos

Aloka and I went to the Waldorf Mayfest a few weeks ago but I'm finally getting around to putting up the videos. The festival was fun. There was a beautiful story telling with puppets, lots of yummy snacks and crafts. Aloka loves it at the school, it will be great when she is in Kindergarten able to start going. For now, she is in her lovely Waldorf Preschool in town which she loves equally as much. Sadly, her teacher just announced that they are moving to Oregon next year, so we are finding something else for her for next year, and then the year after that she'll be old enough to attend Kindergarten at the big Waldorf school. Luckily, there is a beautiful little Waldorf preschool literally across the street from us I just discovered! We went and had a visit, Aloka loved it, and she'll be able to attend starting next fall. The teacher is named Sheila, and is very into story telling and drama/theatre which will be great for Aloka, right up her alley.

After we did Mayfest, we went to a little dance recital that Aloka's friend Claire was in. Aloka was so excited to go, that we had to go home so she could get dressed in her leotard for the occasion.

So below are a few little video clips, nothing too exciting but you can see our little girl in action!
And a couple funny things she has been heard saying recently...
This is something she said while sitting on the toilet just having recently recovered from a stomach flu:
"Mama, diarrhea is like my butt's throw up!" (lovely, I know, but I was laughing)

And then the other day she was asking Josh if he knows how to build houses. And maybe someday he would teach her how to build houses. And then someday she would teach her children how to build houses. She ended that with "cuz that's just how it goes!"