FINALLY! We got our work permit. I got a call from our lawyer
Jeffrey last Friday saying that our approval letter just got faxed to him. What this means for us now is that we get the letter from our lawyer via email, take it down to the Port of Entry and the immigration officer there will issue it for us. Josh will be the main applicant, and I will get an "open" work permit, meaning I will be able to work anywhere I want.
It will be a big drive, because we are up to our eyeballs in snow here in the Kootenay's. SO much snow. But there doesn't seem to be much complaining, and more a feeling that Nelson celebrates the fact that it is a skiers paradise. There are so many people out playing in the snow. People are even out cross country skiing right downtown.

This photo was from a day where the snowflakes were literally the size of feathers. You can't tell at all how huge these flakes were from this photo, but you can get an idea sort of. It started coming down so heavy at one point, it was crazy! Like a giant pillow leaking from the sky.
Our car isn't the best in this snow, but I've gotten a lot more confident driving in it than I was a couple months ago. I need to take some photos of our front yard and post them in the next couple days. It's hilarious how much snow there is.
So, I'll keep the blog updated as we get the permit, which should hopefully be this coming weekend, and then getting our giant load of possessions out of storage.
It's strange, but I'm not so excited to get our stuff anymore. We've been living without all this stuff for over a year, and it's funny how I can count on one hand the things that I miss: My bed,

my pots and pans, my blender and food processor, Aloka's books... It will be so nice not sleeping on an air mattress anymore. Not that it's been
that bad, but this is our third one now. They're not exactly meant for long term use. Here's a photo of Baker street from the other day, they keep it pretty well plowed.

And here are four photos of Aloka at Lakeside Park. She insisted we go there one evening. She loved it!

Aloka is so cute. I love her snowsuit. Sean and Asia would be out there playing with her if they could!
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