We still haven't picked it up yet at the border, for those who have been wondering. We've been waiting for some decent weather to drive down as we have to go over a pass and would love for it to be as clear as possible. It has been dumping snow here!

Here's a few pics of Aloka, who made a couple snowmen the other day. By herself! I was so proud, I was kvelling! (yiddish for "oozing or swelling with delightedness", for you non-jews)

I had also taken on the semi-large-for-me task of shoveling our driveway and stairs, of which I gave up after an hour, and thankfully Josh finished up. Not that it made too much of a difference, because there was a 3 inch layer of ice under all the snow, and now I swear the steps are more treacherous than when there was a foot of snow on top of all of it. I give up! We're using the back stairs up to our car, so we don't have to drive down the icy driveway nor even glance at the piles of snow and ice that is our front yard.

A couple more things: we are taking care of a friends' kitty while she is in Mexico until March. The kitty's name is Tigger, and we love her! She is such a sweetie and a delight to have around. It has been a nice reminder of how much nice energy a cat brings to the home. And it really makes me miss our lost kitty Zooey too.
So, Tuesday we're finally driving down to the border to pick up said work permit.

Wish us luck, that they don't deny it to us, and make us move back to the states. (worst case scenario), but that instead they issue it without any issues or problems and we get back to Nelson before nightfall (best case scenario). I'll keep y'all posted!
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