Friday, September 28, 2007

Garages Sales and (more) Cupcakes

We had a garage sale last weekend. We had it at Josh's house, out on the lawn, and Aloka, Beth, Emily, their mom Naomi, Josh and I were all there. It was a great shindig and I made a whopping $70 but it was worth it to just get rid of tons of stuff. I couldn't believe how fast a gigantic box full of OLD and expired vitamins and other misc. bathroom junk went as soon as i put it out with "FREE" written on it! It was crazy!
One that gave me a Josh a enormous belly laugh was the fact that someone took the used enema bag from that box. People are so funny!
Here's a video that's almost too much to post, and I can't figure out how to edit the end (literally and figuratively), but it was a funny sight so I'm putting it up anyway. It might come down very shortly, but at least family can see it for now!

After the garage sale Naomi took the rest of our stuff to the thrift store, and believe it or not, we only had 2 small boxes of stuff left, it was great.
Then Beth and Emily came over to my house with Aloka and I, and we hung out for the rest of the day. The girls all played with the "photo booth" software on the computer, and then Beth and I made cupcakes while Emily and Aloka played.
The cupcakes we made were a double chocolate cupcake (chocolate cake with chocolate chips) filled with a raspberry ganache, dipped in chocolate ganache, iced with chocolate buttercream and topped with a fondant decoration. I let Beth at it as far as rolling and making the fondant shapes and icing and decorating, so these are all her work.
This one that I'm holding I did.
Beth and Emily took home about 24 cupcakes, and I was told that they were all gone within a couple days, eek! It makes my teeth hurt just thinking about it. Oh, to be 16 again!
Aloka has such a great time with them, and they all adore each other.
Below are some of the 150 (yes, it crashed my computer!) photos the girls took:

And there were also a bunch of silly ones they did with all the different effects the Mac has to offer.

Here's one Aloka took of herself: