Friday, September 07, 2007

A new pet and an sneaky visitor

Firstly, I'm happy to announce that Aloka and I have finally weaned!!! I've been really wanting this for a while now. I went to consult our local La Leche League leader (breastfeeding support all over the world), and she said simply, "Sabrina, at this age they understand a whole lot more and it might sound horrible, but.... bribery". It was such a relief hearing this from a woman who is the senior attachment parenting consultant in the entire Kootenay's practically. So, armed with this advice, I told Aloka that if we could stop nursing I'd get her a hamster.
Guess what? She stopped nursing.
It of course wasn't quite this simple and easy, but still it was about two weeks and we're done. And there wasn't much crying at all. There was one night where she was completely over-tired and i was putting her to bed. She had an absolute meltdown, and I would venture to say, also her first temper tantrum. She was so upset and angry and all she wanted to do was nurse. So I finally conceded.
But that was really our only big set back and she remembered the hamster. We went to the pet store, bought a cage and filler and food, and picked out the hamster. Then they put the hamster on hold for us, and I told Aloka if she could go 4 days without nursing we'd come back. She named it Princess before we even bought it. She talked about Princess a lot.
Finally yesterday we brought Princess home. Her name is now Strawberry Princess by the way.
So we now have a new member of the household, and I have my boobs back.

But speaking of members of the household, we apparently have another one we weren't so aware of. We have a stray cat we feed outside named Mr. Grey, and tonight my new house mate called me downstairs and told me to look outside. There on the back porch was a skunk eating Mr. Grey's cat food!
Luckily I had my camera nearby and got some "skunk footage" just in the nick of time!