Monday, May 14, 2007

Wahoo! My camera lives!

Now I can finally put my photos and movies back online, yay!

I'm slowly but surely getting more unpacked, and Aloka is loving this house! There is a really great yard (front, side and back) with a rope swing. Also, the yard is more conducive to playing in. She didn't really play much in the yard at our old house, but at this one she just loves to run out and play all the time.
She was pretending to be a fairy of some kind, of course.

We also attended the May Day celebration at her Waldorf preschool last weekend. Josh and I were both there and we all had so much fun. Aloka (and all the other children) made all the Mama's beautiful hand dyed silk scarves. You can see mine in this photo, she picked pink, yellow and orange for the colors on mine. They dyed them with tissue paper, and they all turned out so pretty!

We made flower crowns, and the children also played many games. They all pretended they were caterpillars, soon to be butterflies dancing around. Here they are metamorphisizing (is that a word?) next to the may pole! The children had so much fun, there was lots of yummy potluck food, and then at the end we all had fresh strawberry shortcake. The children served the mama's first in honor of Mother's Day. It was a beautiful and awesome day!

Here's Aloka and her classmate and friend Estelle making the whipped cream for the strawberry shortcake.

Here is the class photo! Dena's two children are on the far right and far left.
And I couldn't resist this last photo. Aloka got her first ever (and hopefully last) Dairy Queen ice cream cone, complete with sprinkles! She devoured the whole thing. Later that day we went to the beach.


Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.